Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. I cannot express how delighted I am to be writing to you again as we begin another trimester here at Thunderbird School of Global Management. We are so happy to be back and I am here once again to (attempt) to bring you the breaking news and opinions from all around our school and the globe. Did you miss us? We missed you! I would first like to take a moment and congratulate all of those that graduated a few weeks ago over the summer. You will be missed. And now, I would like to welcome the roughly 260 new incoming students who just finished their grueling Foundations experience. I personally know that you all are ready to take on the challenges of this school and reap the immeasurable rewards. You have joined an incredible community and we welcome you! As for all of you returning students, welcome back. I’ll try not to bore you!
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our new Das Tor Team. I can assure you, I spent the summer putting together the best team I could possibly find and I know these people will not disappoint! First, Sneha Gayatri, Mahmood Hussain, and Kelly Swanson will be re-joining us as the Features Editor, IT Developer, and Online Corespondent respectively. I was so impressed by their dedication and hard work last spring that I knew they could wow us even more this trimester. I would like to welcome our new News Editor, Deepali Ramaiah. A third trimester MBA candidate, she comes to us with years of experience in the blog sphere writing on such topics as Formula One, among other things. I would also like to welcome two new students to our team. Mark Jackson enrolled in the MS-GM program, joins us from a history running his own travel writing site. Finally, Janani Balu is an MBA candidate who comes to us from the poetry world as well as writing for her local newspaper. I couldn’t be more excited to have these two new Staff Writers on our team. Welcome!
Our school, is going through a very interesting phase. But, this is also a time of excitement and change. We have the entire world in front of us. This newspaper seeks to be that voice–your voice. We are a one hundred percent student run newspaper. We are here to serve you! We also welcome any and all student submissions (within reason, of course). Just get them to any of our editors and we are happy to get them posted. In this time in our school’s history, the student voice is more important than ever. We hope you will continue to voice yours and allow us to help you in any way we can. From our side, we can promise to keep doing our best to write things you want to read. Please also be sure to stay up to date with our Comprehensive Calendar. Developed in the spring, this is the schools first completely comprehensive calendar including administrative events, club events, CMC events, and much, much more. You are free to download it to your own but do make sure to at least bookmark us! don’t forget to like us on Facebook as well!
Again, I welcome each and everyone of you to campus (or back to it), and I hope you have an incredible fall trimester!