Thunderbird. Glendale. An island of cross-cultural business learning and fun. As with all good things though, this blissful existence ends after a year and a half or two, scattering everyone across the earth in the goal of making future global leaders.
So when an opportunity comes along to bring that motley crew of people back to reunite for a holiday, who in their right mind would say no?!
The 2015 Thundercruise, planned to set sail on February 14, 2015, is a school-sponsored cruise organized by a group of alumni determined to make an experience that T-birds will not forget. Cast as a “Thunderbird alumni reunion at sea”, the cruise will see T-bird alums take a five-night cruise from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Belize City, Belize and then Cozumel, Mexico, on Royal Caribbean’s world-class Liberty of the Seas.
Spearheaded by JP Driessen, from the ’99 class, the trip would encompass activities ranging from a welcome reception by the school to a farewell fiesta. Fun stuff planned include scuba diving and perhaps a Carnival experience.
Not only is the cruise led by an alum, the travel company that is handling the booking and organization of the cruise is run by ’04 alums Santiago Meija and Arturo Perchemlian, who’ve already conducted T-bird trips to Europe. And wouldn’t you know it, the senior VP at Royal Caribbean is ’83 T-bird, Carol Ann Schuster, with several other alumni guiding the wheel behind this party on the high seas.
So if you’ve been pondering what it would be like to reminisce, not just about your time at Thunderbird, but learn first hand what it meant to be a T-bird to the countless students that have passed through our campus for years before, this cruise is for you! Besides it also gives you a chance at doing the 3 Ns (Network, Network, Network!).
The Thundercruise Committee is happy to have any T-bird on board for this trip. Any other details can be found at their Facebook group at