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Life Lessons During a Summer in Tokyo

Life Lessons During a Summer in Tokyo

By Paul George Smith Jr., Guest Writer This past summer I had an internship with GMO Research, a great company that is a part of the GMO Internet Group in Tokyo, Japan. In this case, GMO means “Global Media Online,” although many people mistakenly think that GMO is...
The Global Grind: A Proposed Career Readiness Course

The Global Grind: A Proposed Career Readiness Course

This letter was sent to Das Tor sent by Blair Imbody, class of ’88. We absolutely welcome any articles that almuni would like to have published in Das Tor. As an alumnus of Thunderbird, I had the privilege of attending the Mock Interview Friday at Thunderbird in...
Pondering Your Future

Pondering Your Future

By Hal Reid, Guest Alumni Writer (Class of 1971) In a short period of time, some of you will graduate and have to get a J-O-B. When attending graduations of my own, my five children, and family members, one phrase is always said: “You are the Future.” However, this is...
A Small World After All: Looking Back on Regional Night

A Small World After All: Looking Back on Regional Night

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Just a few weeks ago, the usually-quiet Thunderbird campus saw a brief and shining return to its former glory. In anticipation of the impending campus move, alumni of all ages flocked home from all corners of the world to roost...