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By: Gloria Liu, Staff Writer

In a related article CMC Endeavors to Help, Even with Fewer Staff, I wrote about the moves that the CMC is contemplating. I reckon that since Helen Wu has reached out to club leaders about the spring career fair called “Talent Pool” on last Friday’s Club Day, more students may be interested in the details about the concept behind it and the execution of the event.

In a letter that Wu wrote to professional clubs, she called for joint efforts from these clubs, as the Talent Pool is a “win-win-win for everyone”. The letter speaks that the idea of “Talent Pool” comes from a past recruiting practice during which employers would talk to students near the fish (the swimming pool between A Dorms and B Dorms) and would conduct interviews in nearby rooms. This form of recruiting was fun, so CMC would really like to bring it back. Up until now, more than ten professional clubs have agreed to co-host the event. Wu will have a meeting with all club leaders to see what each club can do for the event. I personally will be at the meeting and more details regarding the exciting “Talent Pool” will be revealed then.

Here is the letter that Wu wrote to TEN (Thunderbird Entrepreneur Club).

 “Hello Lam,

My name is Helen Wu and I work at the Thunderbird CMC. The reason I’m reaching out to you is to seek support from the professional student clubs for a potential April event called “Talent Pool.”

In the past (way….back), employers used to recruit/network near the fish. It was a very fun and casual event for everyone. This year, we would like to invite recruiters/alumni to come back to campus to hire/network with current T-birds. The event will be hosting at the fish and interviews will be conducted in the nearby rooms. Of course, we are still in the brainstorming phase. (More details to come)

As you know, we are down several people at the CMC. Hence we need student club support even more than ever. If your club would be interested in co-hosting the event, it would be win-win-win for everyone.

As of now, we have several clubs on board:

China Entrepreneur Network (CEN)
Global Supply Chain Management
Net Impact
Technology Business Association
Thunderbird Emerging Market Business Association (TEMBA)
Thunderbird Finance Association
Thunderbird Management Consulting Association (TMCA)
Thunderbird Marketing Association
Thunderbird Project Management Club
Thunderbird SHRM Student Chapter
Women’s International

 Is this something that your club might be interested in supporting? Please let me know.

