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Fidel Castro Roundtable

Fidel Castro Roundtable

By Mary Grace Richardson, Staff Writer Last week Cuban politician and revolutionary Fidel Castro passed, resurfacing a storm of debate surrounding his legacy. With his death being a chance to reflect on Cuba’s past, we can understand where our own idea of the leader...
Week 2 – TSG Bulletin

Week 2 – TSG Bulletin

Hey there T-birds! I hope that everyone had a great weekend and that everyone’s Valentine’s Day was incredible (and if you’re single–I hope the burning of ex’s pictures went well)! I would also like to thank everyone for an amazing Town...

Regional Night is back!

Saturday evening saw a return of Thunderbird’s favorite event – Regional Night! After a long debate about how funds should be allocated to the regional nights, the student body finally decided to have 3 separate regional nights. And if anyone was worried...