by Emma Livingston | Apr 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
By Emma Livingston, Co-Editor A T-Bird’s summer is never dull. This summer, no fewer than 5 Thunderbird teams will be deployed on 5 separate international consulting projects. Joining the legendary 6-week long TEM Labs this summer (See the article Meet Summer 2016 TEM...
by Emma Livingston | Mar 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
Compiled By Emma Livingston, Co-Editor Since 2010, Thunderbird Emerging Markets Laboratory (TEM Lab) has sent teams of student consultants all across the globe to get first-hand experience working in emerging markets and to deliver value to a wide variety of client...
by Emma Livingston | Feb 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
By Emma Livingston, Co-Editor Thunderbird’s Emerging Market Laboratory (TEM Lab) is not only about providing high quality consulting for emerging market clients during the course of a five week project. It is also about building lasting relationships between...
by Nash Wills | Jan 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
By Nash Wills, Staff Writer On Thursday, January 14 the MAGAM class convened in Lecture Hall 54 in order to participate in the first town hall of the semester. Designed as a follow-up needed in order to address unanswered questions from last semester, this meeting fed...
by Alina Buzgar | Oct 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
By Marissa Burkett, Guest Writer In the coming months, Thunderbird will be expanding its applied learning global immersion programs to include a new TEM Lab-style consulting practicum aimed at the Masters of Arts in Global Affairs & Management (MAGAM) students....