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In-IndiaHello Thunderbird Community,

This update is a bit lengthy, but there is a lot of important information today, so please be sure to take a read!

Our hearts go out to Reynolds High School and Seattle Pacific University, both institutions dealing with the aftermath of on-campus shootings in the last week.  This scenario has become all too familiar, with 74 on-campus shootings in the United States since the unspeakable tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in June of 2012.  Thunderbird is a safe campus and our community is wonderfully close-knit and supportive, but like every school, we need to be prepared for the highly unlikely event of an on-campus shooter (I’m sorry to even say those words). The administration is collaborating with the TSG to plan all-student training that will be held in the next couple of weeks to review the actions to take in the event of this kind of emergency.  In the meantime, please take a moment to watch this video produced by a school in Canada. It provides good, basic information.

Also, it’s important that all students, staff and faculty participate in TEAMS (Thunderbird Emergency Alert Messaging Service). Be sure to read and comply with the first announcement in today’s update. Thank you. Your safety and well-being is our top priority.

Here is what you’ll find in today’s update:

1)      TEAMS  (Thunderbird Emergency Alert Messaging Service)

In the next week or two, all students will be enrolled in TEAMS (Thunderbird Emergency Alert Messaging Service), using your lifetime e-mail account.  You will receive an e-mail after the enrollment letting you know your user ID and password. When you receive the e-mail, please take a minute to log in and add your cell phone number and carrier, so you’ll receive emergency text messages should an incident occur.  If you have already signed up for TEAMS, thank-you!  Nothing will change that you have already set up.

2)      GF-5408 Organizational Consulting is available to MBA students this fall (2014)

If you are an interested in taking Organizational Consulting and are an MBA student, there is a special application process you must follow to be considered for a seat in this class. The application and instructions can be found here Org Consulting Application – Fall 2014 and must be reviewed and approved by the faculty member.  The deadline to submit the application is midnight (Arizona time), Friday, July 1st, 2014.  Completed applications must be submitted directly to Professor Michael Finney at In the subject line please use “Fall 2014 Consulting Practicum Application”.  Good luck!

3)      41st Annual Alumni Reunion in Croatia

More than 150 Thunderbird alumni are enjoying the 41st annual alumni reunion in Dubrovnik, Croatia, a jewel of the Adriatic.  I thought you might enjoy seeing at their agenda/program so you can see what kind of event you can look forward to when you graduate and join the Thunderbird alumni network. If you are interested take a look at BROCHURE FINAL FINAL 2.6.14 BB. They are having some serious fun!

4)      Support Thunderbird Social Media

Do you use #social media? Follow Thunderbird on social to see what students and alumni are doing around the world. Share your experiences with us by tagging Thunderbird or using #tbird, #tbirdlife or #tbirdmba.  Check out the full list of Thunderbird’s social channels at:

5)      ThunderCares sign-up is live!

Here is a chance to make a difference to our community. The day we’ve all been waiting for endlessly, is finally around the corner. Gear-up, ThunderCares sign-up is live!It is on 21st June, next Saturday. Call out your kith and kin to volunteer. It’s open for all. Click on the following link to sign-up for a project. Earlier you do, better the chances to get the project of your choice. Last day to sign-up is 15th June i.e. Sunday. Hurry!

As always, we have tried to make this event a special one and in addition to our favorite projects like Japanese Garden, Horse Help and others, this time we have got a new project to work with International Rescue Committee on World Refugee Day i.e. on June 21st. To escape this grueling Arizona heat, all our projects start early in the morning except International Refugee Day, which is indoors. Moreover, school will provide breakfast to soothe our grumbling stomachs.  Amplify your experience at Thunderbird by participating altruistically. There are unprivileged people looking for help. Let’s come together and show them true T-bird spirit!

6)      Graduation Fair, June 24, 2014

 WHEN:  Tuesday, June 24, 2014


TIME:  12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

If you intend to walk in the summer 2014 Graduation Ceremony, students must have a cap, masters’ gown, hood, and tassel. Undergraduate gowns have different sleeves and may not be used. Please note if you plan to purchase the entire “package” the tassel is included. *For those students purchasing their graduation regalia from previous graduates and need only a tassel, there are also alimited amount of tassels available for $3.00 each. See Torrey Mann after August 4, 2014.

7)      Do your part to save energy and save money

Now that our temperatures are consistently in the 100+, our air conditioners are beginning to run almost non-stop which is causing an increase in our monthly energy costs.  As an example, last year during the summer months, May through October, our monthly electric bills were $517,604!      If we were able to reduce that cost by just 3%, that would save the school more than $15,000 during those six months. A few ways that you can help with reducing the school energy costs:

  • Everyone who has access to a thermostat in your area, should remember to turn the temperature up to 80 degrees before you go home each night and especially over the weekends.  The correct setting for 80 degrees on thermostats that have an on/off setting and a dial with a zero at the top, -1,-2,-3, -4 on the left side and +1,+2,+3,+4 is…+4.
  • Never leave external doors propped open (i.e., main building entrances, Snell classrooms, auditoriums, etc.) Leaving any of the external doors propped open causes the cooling system to have to work harder and longer in order to cool the space back down.
  • Shut lights off whenever you leave your dorm, classrooms, or other venues. If everyone does their part it could really make a difference.

8)      Annual palm tree trimming

This is a quick note to let everyone know that Facilities Services will be conducting our annual palm tree trimming on Monday, June the 16th thru Monday June the 23rd.  Most of this work will be conducted high in the palm trees so there should be little to no disruption within the surrounding areas however, if you do come across a trimming /cautioned coned work area during your campus travels, please be aware of your surroundings and proceed around the work area with caution. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the Facilities Services office directly at602.978.7777.

9)      TEM Lab Fall 2014 Projects Update

First we would like to remind everyone that we have two TEM Lab teams in the field this summer and they are posting some great blogs about their experience:

We are doing everything we can to announce all five anticipated Fall TEM Lab projects next week.  Once projects are announced we will give approximately three weeks for applications, which means that application deadlines will likely fall between July 6 and July 12.  Formal deadlines will be included in each project announcement.

Anticipated Projects:

Brazil, Sao Paulo.  Working for a US manufacturer to evaluate the feasibility of a partnership with a Brazilian distributor.

Thailand:  Corporate social responsibility strategy for a US based coconut water company.

Chad: Assessment of ExxonMobil’s and Africare’s Initiative for the Economic Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs.

Ghana, Kumasi:  Market expansion and growth strategy for Farmerline (.org).

Peru, Piura:  Government of Piura, Peru.  Supporting economic development in Piura.

Please Email TEM Lab Program Director if you would like more information but did not receive the full TEM Lab update earlier this week.

10)   Important dates to remember from TSG!

o   ThunderCares: June 21st (see details in item #5 above)

o   World Cup: Locations: Commons, San Lagos, and the Pub.  Watch this AMAZING video

11)   “Your Success is my Success” featured story #1 – Due to recommendation from Thunderbird CMC, Henkel adopts “Home Return Program” and T-bird grad is the inaugural hire!

On April 3rd 2014, a group of senior executives from Henkel International visited our campus to build a stronger partnership with Thunderbird. During the visit with Thunderbird’s CMC Team they were introduced to several ways of recruiting our global talent. One recommendation that was important to them was a best practice of other companies like L’Oreal, Johnson & Johnson and Eli Lilly which is their “Home Return Programs.” We are pleased to say that this effort has resulted in a job offer acceptance from a Thunderbird international student who will now spend their 1 year of OPT working in the United States and then repatriate to their home country taking on more significant responsibilities. This has been a win-win-win opportunity, which more companies will be developing in the future.

12)   “Your success is my Success” featured story #2 – Thunderbird professor earns award for service on editorial board

Congratulations to Seigyoung Auh, Ph.D., Thunderbird Associate Professor of Global Marketing, who was recently named “Best Reviewer of 2013” for the Journal of Service Research. Dr. Auh was commended for his work “providing detailed reviews with excellent insights and constructive advice to the authors.” He will be honored at an awards dinner Friday, June 27, at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Miami. Well done, Professor Auh!

Thank you for your kind attention!

All the best,
