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Know Your Campus and Win! – Contest #8

Congratulations to Contest #7’s winner, Abhishek Nagaraju! He won a $15 Wal-Mart gift card by being the first to email the most accurate answer. The correct response was: The picture is in the international feature film section in the IBIC – it is the area...
Know Your Campus and Win! – Contest #7

Know Your Campus and Win! – Contest #7

Congratulations to Contest #6’s winner, Guido Chua! He won a $15 Wal-Mart gift card by being the first to email the most accurate answer. The correct response was: The picture is of the “spare” trash bins by the side of the building where the mail...
Thunderbird Wins First Place

Thunderbird Wins First Place

By Shushank Bhandarkar Last week, 4 Thunderbird students from the Thunderbird Finance Association participated in the Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge Competition. The Junior Achievement Stock Market Challenge is a competition in which stock trading for 60...
Know Your Campus and Win! – Contest #7

Know Your Campus and Win! – Contest #6

Congratulations to Contest #5’s winner, Jason Seigel! He won a $15 Wal-Mart gift card by being the first to email the most accurate answer. The correct response was: The picture is a section of the Terracotta warrior outside the Executive Education building...
A Halloween Treat and Contest!!!

A Halloween Treat and Contest!!!

All of us here at Das Tor have discovered something devastating. We are a global school with so many talented individuals; however, we have failed at showing our foreign friends one of the time-honored traditions of Halloween–TRICK-OR-TREATING! So, in order to...