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Forum: What Does Thunderbird Mean to You?

Forum: What Does Thunderbird Mean to You?

By Emma Livingston, Co-editor I want to start a conversation at Thunderbird about our vision for this school’s future. For the next few weeks, I will be writing a series of articles about what we value in the school, what people are worried about, and where we would...
Alumni Interview: Mohit Mehta

Alumni Interview: Mohit Mehta

By Chaitra Somasundar, Staff Writer Mohit Mehta is a T-Bird working as the Director of the Research division at Dinan & Co. He completed his undergraduate degree in Economics from W.P. Carey School of Business in 2004. While at ASU, he cultivated an interest in...
The Winterim’s Tale – Act II

The Winterim’s Tale – Act II

Every winter break sees T-birds flitting off to different corners of the world, hoping to enrich their minds (and add to their visa collection) on a unique adventure known as the Winterim. In this last part, Das Tor takes a look at the Brazil winterim… Matthew...

Winterim on Wall Street 2014

By Rajiv Gajjala Bharat Sai Exposure to the real business environment is a key aspect of learning in an MBA degree and the Thunderbird Winterim programs enable students to experience and explore the current situation, opportunities and advancements in their desired...
The Winterim’s Tale (Act I)

The Winterim’s Tale (Act I)

Every winter break sees T-birds flitting off to different corners of the world, hoping to enrich their minds (and add to their visa collection) on a unique adventure known as the Winterim. So if you think you missed out, take a short trip with these students…...