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TSGELEAs module one comes to an end and we begin the last six weeks of our trimester, the time has now come to think about who will run our Summer TSG. It could be any T-bird who can be our next President and Vice President for the Summer. This time there is no specific eligibility criteria  to apply, we want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be next leader of the TSG.

Have you ever thought about  ‘How You could SERVE the student community?’

Give it a thought and attend the mandatory meeting on MARCH 20th 1:10-2:30pm that will be held at Snell 21. If you are not able to make it, please do send a proxy on your behalf. All procedures and requirements will be announced to the interested candidates. The application packets will be distributed after the meeting an will also be available at the TSG building from 3:00pm on March 20th. Campaigning may begin once the application has been submitted. Applications are due at the TSG building by 11:00 am, MARCH 26th.

Next comes the clash of the Presidential candidates. The big ‘Debate’. The runners will contest head to head during the debate that will be held on MARCH 27th Snell 23 1:10-2:00pm. The Vice Presidents will battle it out following the previous debate from 2:00-2:30pm.

And then… VOTING begins from MARCH 27th 3:oopm till MARCH 28th 11:59pm.

This is your chance to truly experience a Leadership position that will be interacting with over 50 nationalities. Nothing less of a Global Leadership position. Take the leap and drive the TSG forward.