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By Govind Menon

It’s that time of the year again! Another trimester ends, a set of students graduate while the other move into their last few weeks at Thunderbird. However, with the end of a trimester, comes the biggest party of the trimester! It is a time to celebrate, remember, and look toward the future. For those that will be graduating in December, it will be that final Thunderbird hurrah! Remember, early ticket sales are open until tomorrow. Book your tickets HERE now!

So what exactly happens at a Global Gala? We dress up and head out to a venue just for T-birds to celebrate the end of the trimester and more importantly, the soon-to-be-alumni students, spend time with friends and relax after weeks of classes, meetings, papers and exams. Over the years, the Gala has been an occasion for nostalgia and even marriage proposals! What’s in store for this year’s Gala? If you want to know, be there!

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So come join us, on Friday, December 13th for a night of dancing, eating and drinking as we celebrate!

Date : December 13th, 2013

Time : 8:00 PM – 1:00 AM

Venue : Aldea at Tlaquepaque

4150 W. Peoria Ave., Suite 132 Phoenix, AZ 85029

Attire : Cocktail Attire or International Dress

Transportation : Bus Transportation will be provided from Thunderbird Campus to Aldea

Food : Appetizers