by Tanner Weigel | Oct 18, 2018 | Archives
By Tanner Weigel, Staff Writer The mission of the Thunderbird School of Global Management is to “educate global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide.” In this spirit, it is of course of little surprise that Thunderbird attracts applicants who not only...
by Guest Writer | Oct 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
This letter was sent to Das Tor sent by Blair Imbody, class of ’88. We absolutely welcome any articles that almuni would like to have published in Das Tor. As an alumnus of Thunderbird, I had the privilege of attending the Mock Interview Friday at Thunderbird in...
by Chanel McFollins | Oct 4, 2018 | Archives
By Chanel McFollins, Staff Writer As I was talking about missing The Pub (our home pub on the Thunderbird Glendale campus in the tower), a first-year student asked “What was so special about that pub that is hard to find another? Was it the size?” That’s when it hit...
by DJ Nelson | Sep 27, 2018 | Archives
By Darcy Nelson, Staff Writer It’s morning but the heat of the summer sun rains down hard. There is no escaping it as my cheeks flush, my forehead beads with sweat, and my shirt sticks to me like paper mache because of this flashy new blue and black Thunderbird...
by Amanda Cardini | Sep 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Amanda Cardini, Editor-in-Chief On your first day at Thunderbird, things can feel a little overwhelming; it takes time to get back into the school routine, perhaps after a years-long break, adjust to new classes on a variety of subjects, and get the lay of the...