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One-Person Dates for the Independent T-Bird

One-Person Dates for the Independent T-Bird

by Daisy Jasmine, Staff Writer   Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and beleaguered unpaired folks across the nation are sighing with relief as the happy couples cease their parading of grandiose dates, floral arrangements, oversized teddy bears, and...
Lunar Festival Brings Vietnam to Arizona

Lunar Festival Brings Vietnam to Arizona

By: Guest Writers Jasmine Pham, David J. Roman, and Vince Vu Nghia (Vince) Vu (MBA ’15, Vietnam) recalled with a smile how Ho Chi Minh City comes alive for the Tet Nguyen Dan festival, vibrant horticultural displays everywhere along “Flower Street” for three...
Chocolate Affair

Chocolate Affair

By: Alina Buzgar, News Editor Every February there is a Chocolate affair downtown Glendale. Say no more! You had me at “chocolate”. On January 31 – Superbowl Weekend! – a gleeful group of T-Birds joined thousands of people from all over the U.S. along with...
World Night

World Night

By Sabah Hussain This summer’s regional night was surprising and successful in a lot of ways. With only 99 students enrolled in summer classes, and even less living on campus, there was an impressive 120 attendees at World Night this month. Even internally, planning...
Summer Tri Socializing

Summer Tri Socializing

By Thaedra Brondum With the summer trimester started and a quarter of the way through, Thunderbird’s campus seems empty.  This summer there are only about 100 students on campus as most students have taken this time to participate in internships, travel, TEM Labs, or...